
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cuba Travel to Start Nonstops From L.A. To Havana Next Week

Cuba Travel Services, Inc. will relaunch weekly nonstop flights from Los Angeles to Havana next week. Departures will be from Los Angeles International Airport at Terminal 6. Cuba Travel Services, Inc. had to shut down their nonstop Los Angeles to Havana flights due to the Bush administration. It has been able to restart the service since the Obama administration reversed the Bush administration policy to allow Cuban Americans to once again visit family annually and without limitations on the definition of who is considered family.

In addition to servicing the Cuban American community on the West Coast under the Office of Foreign Assets and Control and U.S. Treasury guidelines, Cuba Travel Services, Inc. will be able to provide a more accessible route and cost-effective travel services to journalists, government officials and researchers that qualify under a general license and sports teams, religious organizations, educational facilities and other organizations or individuals who qualify for and are issued a specific license to travel. For more information, visit

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