
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Terror threat in Europe, travel alert issued to Americans

On Sunday, US State Department urges Americans to take general travel precautions amid concerns over terror strikes in Europe by Al-Qaeda and other Pakistani militant groups.

According to a news emerged in New York Times about a possible Mumbai style terror attack in European cities, Americans are asked to stay alert and aware of their surroundings and move away from any unattended object. Undersecretary of State Patrick Kennedy says the alert is not meant to avoid travel Europe but to take common-sense precautions at public places.

The indications are said to be analyzed, cross-referenced and rely heavily on a series of elements.

Amid concerns, Britain’s Foreign and Commonwealth office also issues similar warning to its citizens in France and Germany. Experts say that this could have an impact on the already debt ridden European economy.

In a statement, German interior minister said that the decision to issue the alert comes after a warning regarding the terror strikes received by the US state department.

Concerning the national security, countries like France and Spain already have a high level of security. Both France and US agreed on the same ground regarding general recommendations.

Recently, in September, worldwide alerts have been issued after the pastor threatened to burn Quran, the Islamic Holy book. Also, in the past alerts were issued for US citizens regarding the 2004 Al-Qaeda bombings of commuter trains in Spain and public transport bombing in London, England in 2005.

US recommend citizens to register their travel plans with the US consulate and get informed on general security issues.

Posted via email from Supreme Clientele Travel

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